There are two types of Yacht Legs, Fully Adjustable and Pre-Set. All of our Yacht legs are made from high strength and low weight aluminium tubing, marine grade castings and stainless steel fittings. They are designed to support vessels up to 25 tons displacement. Average stowage length is 1.20 metres. The legs take only a few minutes to prepare and enable the vessel to dry out in safety. Detailed fitting instructions are supplied for installation by boat yards or private owners.
Heavy duty fitting packs for above average displacement
Heavy duty set of Legs
Telescopic for minimum stowage
Heavy duty fitting packs for above average displacement
Fully Adjustable Yacht Legs
The Fully Adjustable range of Yacht legs provide a trim adjustment of 600mm in total, enabling the vessel to remain upright over irregular seabed conditions. The adjustment also gives control of the weight distribution ensuring that the primary weight of the boat is placed upon the keel. We strongly recommend this range of yacht legs for boats over 10 tons displacement.
Have a working length of between 1.27m - 2.29m
Pre Set Length Yacht Leg
Have a working length of between 1.27m - 2.29m
Pre-Set Yacht Legs
The Pre-Set range of legs are more suited to yachts and power boats up to 9 tons of displacement. The telescopic design of the legs allows most cruising vessels of average draft to stow each leg as a single compact unit. With an average weight of 10 kgs per leg, they are easy to handle. The preparation of each leg takes approximately two minutes.